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Swati Jain

In a discussion with Swati Jain, she encapsulates her journey of changing career paths and following the road that leads to empowerment.

Swati Jain, the Founder and Chief Consultant at 'ImagebySwati' started her venture from the online portal of Instagram. Her Instagram Page 'ImagebySwati' is all about simple tips and tricks to make people feel empowered and confident in their image, that is, their appearance, behavior, and etiquette. Swati even conducts sessions with people to help them grow professionally, personally, and socially.

It all started in 2018 when Swati was still in college pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Nutrition from Daulat Ram College. There she witnessed several girls who didn't lack potential but were only rejected because of a lack of confidence or their physical appearance. Swati realized that society still held a biased opinion against people who didn't come under the category of a 'Conventional Beauty', but she saw the promise they held and took it upon herself to groom them into empowered women who didn't take no for an answer. She started with a group of 4-5 girls and showed them how to walk, hold their hands, power dress and so much more without spending a single penny. She made the girls re-evaluate their closets and taught them how to accessorize. Her dedication was rewarded with an overwhelming response of positivity as they improved tremendously under her guidance, thereby making her realize her purpose. Swati understood that she wanted to work for women and young girls to help groom them to bring out their hidden potential.

"I see young women from government schools who are doing so well and are extremely talented, but they aren't given the same opportunities and responsibilities, as they are often misjudged based on their standards of living. I take free classes for such underprivileged girls and teach them how to look elegant and poised. I constantly remind them that you don't always have to spend tons of money or speak fluent English to be taken seriously; it's your confidence that takes you places. I don't do it for monetary gains, I do it so that these women don't face unfair rejection and even if they do, I teach them to handle it gracefully," Swati explained.

Swati is her team and does all the ideation, editing, scheduling, etc., all by herself; it's made easier by the constant support of her friends and family. She considers them to be her greatest supporters. From promoting and creating engagement for her venture to helping Swati through the pressure and negativity of social media, her close friends and family form the foundations of her strength.

Swati offers a wide range of services of image management like Art of styling and dressing where she helps women discover their personal style and discover prints and patterns along with accessorising tips. Her most renowned services include the teaching the art of etiquette and communication. She has trained 250+ individuals on social grace and her client base has been growing exponentially.

Swati has always considered the community of people she assists as her family and holds the belief that if she can help someone realize their strengths and hidden potential, then that's her real earning and achievement. The ratio of men in her following is quite greater compared to the women and Swati believes in treating both the sexes equally, with no prejudice or hidden agenda.

This was her advice for the readers:

"Jo karna hai dil khol ke karo. Don't be afraid of what others might think, just consider your loved ones and disregard any other prejudiced opinions. Dare to dream and ‘ agar socha hai to kar ke dikhao ’ because no one can stop you. Keep on improving yourself to bring out your inner potential and make yourself confident enough that you gain people's respect. Always maintain your elegance while inculcating these 3 P's in yourself: Be poised, powerful, and polished."

1 Comment

Jun 17, 2022

So proud of my girl!❤️ Much more success and power to come ahead! Keep shining!❤️

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