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What is Revenge porn?

Revenge porn, also known as Non Consensual Pornography (NCP) is the distribution of sexual or pornographic images or videos of individuals without their consent. Revenge porn is considered a form of digital abuse. We find that oftentimes, the perpetrators are jilted men sharing graphic images of their exes or intimate partners as a form of retaliation.

The Internet is filled with such revenge porn websites and image boards, created for the explicit purpose of trafficking non-consensual images and videos to shame and harass victims.

Has the Pandemic worsened cases of Revenge Porn?

With the world at a standstill owing to the pandemic, people are isolated and constantly on their devices against the backdrop of unemployment and rampant stress. We see the number of such revenge porn websites going up at an alarming rate each day, making victims of non-consensual pornography even more vulnerable.

The abusers with time on their hands and nothing to lose are the ones that become the hardest to escape, let alone defeat. This leaves the victims to take on upending stigma from the world, as they find themselves being victim-blamed. Many even struggle to find and keep employment and to start or maintain new relationships. While the perpetrators rarely face any meaningful consequences, even when they are caught.

Revenge porn perpetrators and websites are a testament to the glorification and support of 'rape culture' that has now become quite commonplace in our society.

In India we still have lax revenge porn laws (nearly non-existent). Even though the world has made a lot of progress in trying to curb the issue, it's still far from being solved.

The article is written by Shweta Jha. Shweta Jha is a freelance content writer. She's passionate about women's empowerment, mental health and other social issues. Reach out to her at


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